s/A*./B/g editor bug?

Arnold D. Robbins {EUCC} arnold at mathcs.emory.edu
Thu Oct 26 01:30:32 AEST 1989

In article <6606 at ficc.uu.net> peter at ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) writes:
>Brian Beattie's Software-Tools-derived 'ed' works fine, so it looks like
>Kernighan got it right.

Indeed.  The "Georgia Tech 'se' Screen Editor", which is also derived from
the Software Tools 'ed', gets it right as well.  ('Se' is available in your
nearest comp.sources.unix archive.)
Arnold Robbins -- Emory U. Information Technology Div.  | Laundry increases
DOMAIN: arnold at emoryu1.cc.emory.edu			| exponentially in the
UUCP: gatech!emoryu1!arnold  PHONE: +1 404 727-7636	| number of children.
BITNET: arnold at emoryu1	     FAX:   +1 404 727-2599	|   -- Miriam Hartholz

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