crufty memcmp on 386

Doug Ingraham dpi at loft386.uucp
Mon Nov 19 08:07:55 AEST 1990

In article <1990Nov15.163550.27015 at>, gls at (Col. G. L. Sicherman) writes:
> In <1990Nov13.182133.27748 at loft386.uucp>, dpi at loft386.uucp writes:
> > 
> > I can't make the original fail.  Could you provide a short code segment
> > that will display the claimed behavior?  If you can make AT&T's fail,
> > I would like to know if mine fails also.
> Sure.  Here are my test program and what came out of it:

[Test program deleted]

I coded my routine from a Draft of the standard.  The version provided
with SYS V 386 performs a signed test which was acceptable in pre standard
times to most.  I have since updated my routine and it now does unsigned
comparisons.  Col Sicherman, I wrote my test routine to test for the
signed version and wrote my original to match the version supplied by
AT&T.  This one passes your test and my more complete test.  Feel free
to use it in anyway you wish for any purpose.  It is as bug free as I
can make it.  If anyone finds a problem or an improvement please let me
	.file	"memcmp.s"
/ The Intel 80386 implementation of the ANSI memcmp() function.
/ Written April 8, 1990 by Doug Ingraham.  dpi at loft386.UUCP
/ Copyright 1990 by Douglas P. Ingraham.  This code is freely
/ distributable so long as this notice remains intact.
/ Corrected November 18, 1990 to compare unsigned as per the standard.
	.align	4
	.globl	memcmp
/ Save edi and esi in edx and eax to save 4 clocks over popping them
	movl	%edi,%edx		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
	movl	%esi,%eax		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
/ esi is pointer to the first string
	movl	0x4(%esp),%esi		/ 2 clocks 4 bytes
/ edi is pointer to the second string
	movl	0x8(%esp),%edi		/ 2 clocks 4 bytes
/ This tests to see if the pointers are to the same string.
/ This test is probably a waste of time.
	cmpl	%esi,%edi		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
	je	same			/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
/ The ecx gets the count.  If Zero then by definition they are the same.
	movl	0xC(%esp),%ecx		/ 2 clocks 4 bytes
	jcxz	same			/ 9+m,5 clocks 2 bytes
/ Test the count to make sure there are enough bytes to bother with this
/ speed optimization.  12 was chosen as a ballpark figure.  Must be greater
/ than 7 as a minimum.
	cmpl	$12,%ecx		/ 2 clocks 3 bytes
	jl	byte			/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
/ Test to see if either pointer is word aligned.  Most is 3 cmpsb's to align
/ so the loop is unrolled.  75 clocks worst case.
	testl	$3,%esi			/ 2 clocks 6 bytes
	jz	is_aligned		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
	testl   $3,%edi			/ 2 clocks 6 bytes
	jz	is_aligned		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
	cmpsb				/ 10 clocks 1 byte
	jne	different		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
	decl	%ecx			/ 2 clocks 1 byte
	testl	$3,%esi			/ 2 clocks 6 bytes
	jz	is_aligned		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
	testl   $3,%edi			/ 2 clocks 6 bytes
	jz	is_aligned		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
	cmpsb				/ 10 clocks 1 byte
	jne	different		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
	decl	%ecx			/ 2 clocks 1 byte
	testl	$3,%esi			/ 2 clocks 6 bytes
	jz	is_aligned		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
	testl   $3,%edi			/ 2 clocks 6 bytes
	jz	is_aligned		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
	cmpsb				/ 10 clocks 1 byte
	jne	different		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
	decl	%ecx			/ 2 clocks 1 byte
/ Save the modified count back on the stack for possible later use.
	movl	%ecx,0xC(%esp)		/ 2 clocks 4 bytes
/ Divide by 4 so that we can do word compares
	shrl	$2,%ecx			/ 3 clocks 3 bytes
/ Do the long level search.
	repz;	cmpsl			/ 5+9*n clocks 2 bytes
	je	byte_equal		/ 7+m,3 clocks 2 bytes
/ backup 4 bytes
	movl	$4,%ecx			/ 2 clocks 5 bytes
	subl	%ecx,%esi		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
	subl	%ecx,%edi		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
/ Do the byte level search.
	repz;	cmpsb			/ 5+9*n clocks 2 bytes
	je	same			/ 7+m/3 clocks 2 bytes
/ Restore the esi so that eax is available for return value.
	movl	%eax,%esi		/ 2 clocks 2 byte
/ If the carry is set, return -1
	jc	less_than		/ 7+m/3 clocks 2 bytes
	mov	$1,%eax			/ 2 clocks 5 bytes
/ Restore the edi.
	movl	%edx,%edi		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
	ret				/ 10+m clocks 1 byte
/ If the string compared out then come here.
same:	movl	%eax,%esi		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
	movl	%edx,%edi		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
	xorl	%eax,%eax		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
	ret				/ 10+m clocks 1 byte
/ come here if the high speed test was equal 
	movl	0xC(%esp),%ecx		/ 2 clocks 4 bytes
	andl	$3,%ecx			/ 2 clocks 6 bytes
	repz;	cmpsb			/ 5+9*n clocks 2 bytes
/ Restore the esi so that eax is available for return value.
	movl	%eax,%esi		/ 2 clocks 2 byte
	je	short_same		/ 7+m/3 clocks 2 bytes
	jnc	greater_than		/ 7+m/3 clocks 2 bytes
	mov	$-1,%eax		/ 2 clocks 5 bytes
/ Restore the edi.
	movl	%edx,%edi		/ 2 clocks 2 bytes
	ret				/ 10+m clocks 1 byte

> -- 
> G. L. Sicherman
> gls at odyssey.att.COM

Thanks for finding this.

Doug Ingraham (SysAdmin)
Lofty Pursuits (Public Access for Rapid City SD USA)

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