op precedence in C - (nf)

utzoo!decvax!cca!hplabs!hao!menlo70!sytek!zehntel!teklabs!ucbcad!moore at sri-unix utzoo!decvax!cca!hplabs!hao!menlo70!sytek!zehntel!teklabs!ucbcad!moore at sri-unix
Sat Oct 23 20:44:19 AEST 1982

ucbcad!moore    Oct 23 20:43:00 1982

    The problem is that you are using & instead of &&.  Using logical
    instead of bitwise AND in if() statements is something which must
    be bred out of C programmmers.

Excuse me? Only if you want an incompetent new breed of C programmers.  Very 
typical in C is to use '&' and masks to extract fields, i.e. :

		if ( (stat&UPPER_BYTE_MASK) == ERROR_VALUE ) {
		    /* blah */

	Are you implying that this can or should be done with && ?

		Peter Moore

		...!ucbvax!ucbcad!moore (USENET)
		ucbcad.moore at berkeley   (ARPANET)

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