1-char input in C - (nf)

franka at tekcad.UUCP franka at tekcad.UUCP
Mon Dec 26 04:10:47 AEST 1983

tekcad!franka    Dec 25 10:10:00 1983

>Your problem is a common one.  The problem is that UNIX is buffering up
>the data, as opposed to the C library routines.  The most portable solution
>(and easiest to understand) is to use the system() call to change the
>tty mode as follows:
>#include <stdio.h>
>main() {
>    system("stty raw");		/* dont buffer data */
>    getchar();
>    system("stty -raw");	/* restore normal buffering */
>The other option is to use ioctl() (or gtty & stty on systems that have it)
>to set the tty modes properly.  The problem with this is that BELL, BSD and
>V7 systems are all different in the exact format of these ioctl()'s

	The other problem with this is that if somebody hits a ^C (or ^\)
during the getchar, the terminal gets put in "raw" mode. This is very, very
confusing to a novice user (I assume that is who you are writing for, with
such a limited command set) who suddenly cannot backspace, use the return
key on a command, etc.

               				From the truly menacing,
   /- -\       				but usually underestimated
    <->                                 and soon to be gone,
               				Frank Adrian

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