Identifier significance CHALLENGE - (nf)

ado at elsie.UUCP ado at elsie.UUCP
Tue Dec 20 00:46:51 AEST 1983

In particular, regarding--
	In the recently announced System V.2, flexnames are supported.  The
	past is, finally, behind us on this issue.

Well, maybe.  As I recall, though, the UNIX (Bell Labs trademark) gurus have a
history of abandoning support for machines they no longer feel like supporting--
like the PDP 11/40 when Version 7 was originally released.  This has typically
been done to "enhance portability"; how an operating system that can't run on
systems it used to run on is "more portable" than its predecessor is beyond me.

And of course there are folks using C compilers other than ones supplied by
Berkeley or Bell; given that "flexible names" aren't "required" in "The C
Programming Language," such compilers may lack support for them.

I think the challenges of "historic" dialects of C are still with us.
UUCP:	decvax!harpo!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!elsie!ado
Phone:	(301) 496-5688

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