cbenson's data encryption algorithm

Dave Ihnat, Chicago, IL ignatz at ihuxx.UUCP
Thu Apr 26 17:37:10 AEST 1984

>		"The Data Encryption Standard, although painfully slow when
>		implemented in software, is considered reasonably good.  It
>		can definitely be broken by brute force by anyone willing to
>		spend about 4-10 million $US on a machine which tries many
>		possible keys simultaneously, but despite considerable work,
>		there is no published way to do it cheaply on standard hardware."
>									.
>									.
>									.
>							J. Nagle

Gosh, folks, but I'm afraid that I subscribe to the position that this
is precisely why the U. S. Government LIKES the DES, and doesn't
particularly care for derivative or more exceptional schemes.  That
is, the only people who really have the $$$ to break the DES
are...guess who...Aye, you've got it!! The U. S. Government!!  And if
someone comes up with a truly difficult scheme--one where pure CPU
power doesn't suffice--I firmly believe that they'll be quashed so
fast it'll make your Rotor spin.  More than 256 times, too.

				Cynical, and seeing no reason not to be,

						Dave Ihnat

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