Wanted information regarding the PCC - (nf)

jab at uokvax.UUCP jab at uokvax.UUCP
Mon Aug 6 08:54:00 AEST 1984

uokvax!jab    Aug  5 17:54:00 1984

/***** uokvax:net.lang.c / bnl!andy /  8:35 pm  Aug  3, 1984 */

	Does anybody know of any references regarding hacking with the PCC
other than Johnson's paper which comes with the Unix V doc?

						Andy Rodnite
						(516) 333-6700 ext. 691
						{allegra, philabs}!sbcs!bnl!andy
/* ---------- */
Probably the most handy document I've seen to date is something that
Sam Leffler wrote when he was working it over for the Harris/6, a machine
that is word-addressed and has three bytes/word. (The compiler has some
implicit assumptions about the architecture/register set/word size that
gave him grief.)

The document "A Tour Through the Portable C Compiler" didn't give insight
into these things, so he put together "A Detailed Tour Through the Harris/6
C Compiler" as a supplement to his M.S. Thesis. As such, I believe that you
can order a copy of it from Case Western Reserve University (it that it, Sam?)
for some nominal charge. (At least, someone from my department got it in that

That document is most useful.

	Jeff Bowles
	Lisle, IL

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