Algol-style vs C-style semicolons - (nf)
Andrew Klossner
andrew at orca.UUCP
Sun Jun 10 05:53:13 AEST 1984
> Not wishing to drag out a rather uninteresting discussion but unable to
> resist pontificating on language design matters, I submit the following
> on the semicolon controversy. It is true that semicolons are not, strictly
> speaking, statement terminators in C, because not all statements end with
> them. In fact, a quick look at the grammar in the C Reference Manual shows
> that only the following statements are terminated with semicolons:
> expression ;
> do statement while ( expression ) ; /* This one was new to me! */
> return expr ;
> goto identifier ;
> continue ;
> break ;
> ; /* A null statement */
> The rest, including for loops, while loops and compound statements are not.
> It is the presence of null statements that confuses the matter by making
> people think that
> while ( expr ) statement ;
> is one statement and is terminated with a semicolon, when in fact it is
> two statements -- a while loop followed by a null statement.
> Can anyone explain why, of all the loop statements, only do-while is
> terminated with semicolon? The required closing right-paren would seem
> sufficient for easy parsing.
You've become confused about the grammar. It isn't really true that
the other loops may terminate with something other than semicolon or
Here are the other for loops, while loops, and compound statements:
if (expression) statement
if (expression) statement else statement
while (expression) statement
for (expression-1-opt; expression-2-opt; expression-3-opt) statement
switch (expression) statement
case constant-expression: statement
default: statement
identifier: statement
{ declaration-list-opt statement-list-opt }
Notice that, except for "compound-statement", all of these for loops,
while loops, and compound statements end in "statement". Every
statement-producing rule that doesn't end in "statement" ends in
semicolon. Through the recursive nature of programming language
grammars, this ensures that each statement construct will end in a
single semicolon, unless it ends in compound-statement in which case it
end in a right-brace.
Consider the alternative, e.g., "if (expression) statement;". This
would lead to statements such as
if (a==0) b=5;;
with mandated double semicolons, and the conventional
if (a==0) b=5;
would be a syntax error.
-- Andrew Klossner (decvax!tektronix!orca!andrew) [UUCP]
(orca!andrew.tektronix at rand-relay) [ARPA]
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