C optimization and debugging.

Tim Maroney tim at unc.UUCP
Fri Mar 9 04:59:57 AEST 1984

Another feature that is desperately needed in C debuggers is an easy way to
follow linked data in the memory of a process.  By linked data I mean such
data structures as parse trees, linked lists, etc.  This extracting pointer
addresses, writing them down, and typing them in stuff is for the birds; it
often takes an excruciatingly long time to look over the nodes of a simple
parse tree by this means.

Better display of structs is also much-needed.  The debuggers I've used
force you to pull things out a member at a time, a very slow process when you
need to look at several members for a number of structs.
Tim Maroney, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
mcnc!unc!tim (USENET), tim.unc at csnet-relay (ARPA)

All opinions expressed herein are completely my own, so don't go assuming
that anyone else at UNC feels the same way.

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