C "neatener" - another example (#9)

Alan S. Driscoll alan at allegra.UUCP
Tue Mar 6 02:03:37 AEST 1984

> Maybe I'm missing something but I thought the whole point was not comparing
> the two languages C vs. BLISS but to show that the "standard" BSD / USG C
> compiler optimizes inadequately.

> Personnally I can understand why the Fortran compiler is an embarrasement,
> considering the attitude in this community toward Fortran.  However, I
> cannot understand why Unix does not come with a super-optimizing C compiler,
> as any increase in the speed of the code produced will speed up all of Unix.
> Surely by now better could be done.
> -- 
> Bill Sebok			Princeton University, Astrophysics
> {allegra,akgua,burl,cbosgd,decvax,ihnp4,kpno,princeton,vax135}!astrovax!wls

Yes, but have you ever heard of a Portable Bliss Compiler?  The effort has
simply been in different directions.


	Alan S. Driscoll
	AT&T Bell Laboratories

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