EQUEL/C preprocessor bug

kalash at ucbcad.UUCP kalash at ucbcad.UUCP
Tue May 22 15:18:00 AEST 1984

<Sorry, my machine doesn't know where abnjh is>

>I have encountered the following bug with the EQUEL/C parser.
>##	int seq
>##		range of p is problem
>##		retrieve (seq=1+max(int1(right(p.tr,2))))


>{IIwrite("range of p=problem");IIsync(0);}{IIwrite("retrieve(seq=1+max(int1(right(p. ");IIwrite(
>tr);IIwrite(" ,2))))");IIsetup();while(IIn_get(0)){IIn_ret(&seq,6);if(IIerrtest())continue;

	I suspect your problem of being a

##	char	*tr

someplace in your program. The EQC program is leting you specify the
attribute at run time, and I would guess the varibale consists of blanks
which confuses it.

			Joe Kalash
			kalash at berkeley

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