C programming style poll

John Hobson amigo at iwlc6.UUCP
Sat May 5 05:54:20 AEST 1984

Well, the results of my poll are in, and here they are.  As you
will recall, the authors of the book THE C PROGRAMMING LIBRARY
gave three examples of code all to assign 1 to the variable y if the
value of x was 5, otherwise give y the value of 0.  There were
three code fragments given by the authors, and one more suggested
by me.  They are:

Version 1

y = 0;
if (x == 5)
	y = 1; 

Note:  When I copied this in my original article, I forgot to indent
the third line.  Several people took the authors to task for not
doing so, but it was not their fault, it was mine.

Version 2 (added)

if (x == 5)
	y = 1;
	y = 0;
Version 3

y = (x == 5) ? 1 : 0;

Version 4

y = x == 5;

First, before we get to the results, an apology.  I stated that on
page 52 of Kernighan and Ritchie, False was given a value of 0 and
True was given a non-zero value.  As several people pointed out, I
should have looked on page 38, where True is stated to have a value
of 1.

Several people split their votes, saying that the formulation used
would depend on exactly what the person was trying to do in a
particular case.  In these cases, I gave each choice 1/2 point.

And now, the envelope:

In fourth place, with 3 points:  Version 1.

In third place, with 14 1/2 points:  Version 2.

In second place, with 26 1/2 points:  Version 4.

In first place, with 29 points:  Version 3.

Several comments must be made. Virtually everyone who voted for
Version 4, y = x == 5; said that it should be written y = (x == 5);
for better readability.  Also, with one exception, all the people
in favour of this choice said specifically that they would use it
only if y was understood to be a Boolean variable.  Several people
wrote comments that said that they assumed y was Boolean, and a
couple of people suggested code along the lines of:

	y = (x == 5) ? TRUE : FALSE;

with TRUE and FALSE defined with appropriate #define statements.

One of the points that the authors made was that y = (x==5)
generates less code.  Well, several people (including I) tried the
several choices, and we all got similar results:

Guy Harris (rlgvax!guy) sent me this:

>>	On our VAX-11, running 4.2BSD (which uses the System III C
>>	compiler and a post-System III optimizer), you get:
>>	first()
>>	{
>>		register int x, y;
>>		y = 0;
>>		if(x == 5)
>>			y = 1;
>>	}
>>	generates
>>	.globl	_first
>>	.text
>>	_first:	.word	0xc00
>>	clrl	r10
>>	cmpl	r11,$5
>>	jneq	L1
>>	movl	$1,r10
>>	L1:	ret
>>	second()
>>	{
>>		register int x, y;
>>		if (x == 5)
>>			y = 1;
>>		else
>>			y = 0;
>>	}
>>	generates
>>	.globl	_second
>>	.text
>>	_second:.word	0xc00
>>	cmpl	r11,$5
>>	jneq	L2
>>	movl	$1,r10
>>	jbr	L1
>>	L2:	clrl	r10
>>	L1:	ret
>>	which is about what you'd expect,
>>	third()
>>	{
>>		register int x, y;
>>		y = (x == 5) ? 1 : 0;
>>	}
>>	generates
>>	.globl	_third
>>	.text
>>	_third:	.word	0xc00
>>	cmpl	r11,$5
>>	jneq	L2
>>	movl	$1,r0
>>	jbr	L1
>>	L2:	clrl	r0
>>	L1:	movl	r0,r10
>>	ret
>>	which is *worse* than "second"!  This is because in
>>	"second" it's not evaluating the conditional as an
>>	expression, so it doesn't feel obliged to put the result in
>>	a register; in "third", however, PCC can only figure out
>>	how to do this by evaluating the whole mess "(x == 5) ? 1 :
>>	0" into a register and then moving the register into "y".
>>	fourth()
>>	{
>>		register int x, y;
>>		y = x == 5;
>>	}
>>	generates
>>	.globl	_fourth
>>	.text
>>	_fourth:.word	0xc00
>>	cmpl	r11,$5
>>	jneq	L2
>>	movl	$1,r0
>>	jbr	L1
>>	L2:	clrl	r0
>>	L1:	movl	r0,r10
>>	ret
>>	which is *identical* to "third".
>>	Moral: don't always assume you know better than your
>>	compiler does.

I had similar results using "cc -O" on a PDP 11/70, a VAX 11/780,
and a 3B20 all running under PWB UNIX 5.0.5.  It also works the
same way with a DECUS C compiler (machine unspecified).

My final comment is something that was well put by Clay Phipps:
>>	I am disturbed by the notion that the best code is that 
>>	which reflects the deepest knowledge of a particular language.
>>	This seems to be at odds with the notion of "egoless programming",
>>	because the authors almost seem to be encouraging displays
>>	of knowledge, or in other words, "showing off" by
>>	ego-tripping programmers.  The excerpt indicates that the
>>	authors are indifferent to issues of program clarity and
>>	readability: they can't define or quantify it, so they've
>>	decided that they won't worry about it.  This is
>>	particularly disturbing because of the multitude of facilities 
>>	that C provides for writing clever or opaque code (2nd only
>>	to APL).  I suspect that the authors have never been
>>	required to maintain code written by anyone except themselves.

				John Hobson
				AT&T Bell Labs--Naperville, IL

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