Murphy's Laws???

William H. Jefferys bill at utastro.UUCP
Tue Nov 6 01:26:32 AEST 1984

> When did Murphy become the author?  Is Chisolm the real author?  How
> did he come to be forgotten?  Why isn't he (or why aren't his heirs)
> fighting to recover his authorship?  Could it be (as my daughter
> Naomi suggested) that: SOMETHING WENT WRONG?

Murphy's Law, of course.
"When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve"
	Bill Jefferys  8-%
	Astronomy Dept, University of Texas, Austin TX 78712   (USnail)
	{allegra,ihnp4}!{ut-sally,noao}!utastro!bill	(uucp)
	bill%utastro.UTEXAS at ut-sally.ARPA		(ARPANET)

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