C needs BCD (ANSI People: Please Listen)

Geoff Kuenning geoff at desint.UUCP
Tue Oct 23 04:13:12 AEST 1984

Craig Lund writes:

>Why should C provide floating point operations and not provide
>BCD operations ? 

Well, C is a systems programming language.  That produces a couple of effects:

    (1)	In the first place (let's be real about this) systems programmers
	tend to be snobs regarding business software.  Obviously, anyone
	who writes software for ATM's is obviously a wimp, not a real
	programmer.  :-)  (Note:  lest anyone take me too seriously,
	despite the preceding sideways smile, let me note that in my
	experience the majority of the software for a device like an ATM is
	real-time control and communications stuff, not adding columns of
	PICTURE-described numbers).

    (2) Disregarding the first point, there is very little need for a BCD
	data type in *systems* programming (in the traditional sense of
	writing a general-purpose timesharing or batch OS for a large
	computer).  Even floating point is essentially unused in the
	kernel.  (On the Callan [Unisoft] kernel, I once fgrepped for
	'float' and 'double'.  If I remember correctly, "Double" appeared
	once, in a comment about indirect blocks!  'float' appeared only in
	code relating to our hardware floating-point support.)

These are not very good reasons.  I suspect that, if you put BCD support into
the language, a bunch of people would find it useful for stuff that takes more
than 32 bits to represent, but needs more accuracy than floating point.  (An
example would be a time represented in microseconds or milliseconds since
((time_t) 0), rather than in seconds.)

C was invented on the PDP-11, which has no BCD support, but does have floating
point.  At that time, only IBM 360's (not 370's yet!) and similar
business-oriented machines had floating point;  I suspect it never crossed
the original implementors' minds to install BCD.

I vote for discussion of two questions by the net:

    (1) Is it appropriate to put a feature into the language such as BCD,
	which is going to have to be implemented as an inefficient subroutine
	package on at least *some* hardwares.  [hardwares?  is that a word?
	somebody please slap my wrists].  Or should it be a standard
	subroutine package, like strings(3), that is often implemented with
	hardware instructions?
    (2) If we are going to hang BCD onto the language, what is a decent
	syntax, keeping in mind that this is basically an array type like

Please redirect flames along the lines of "BCD is not useful" or "BCD is
for wimps" to /dev/null.  If you can't see the need for efficient increased
precision, I'm not really interested in your opinion.  (Flames along the
lines of "it's a wart on the language", etc., are gladly accepted--it's
wintery even here in Southern CA).
	Geoff Kuenning
	First Systems Corporation

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