type incompatibilities: what am I doing wrong?

Tom Chmara tpchmara at wateng.UUCP
Tue Oct 23 05:35:44 AEST 1984

[ Why aren't compiler errors eaten by the net monster? ]

I've got a bit of a problem...I'm trying to revive a standalone driver for
a DR11-B board.  The code comes from our old PDP-11/45 running a UNIX version
lying somewhere between V6 & V7 (i.e. OLD).  The type checking was no heck
on this thing's compiler, so when I tried compiling the source on our VAX
(so that I could use vi and other nice things) I expected a few errors.  Well,
I got rid of most, but I can't get rid of the last one, which is

	"TCVRtest.c", line 47:operands of = have incompatible types

Well, the line in question is

	vector[ 0 ].rint->pc = tfrintr;

where the structure and function are declared as follows:

struct dr11 {
	int drwc;
	int drba;
	int drst;
	int drdb;

struct interrupt {
	void (*pc)();
	int ps;

typedef struct {struct interrupt *rint, *wint; } INTVECT;

extern INTVECT vector[];

What am I doing wrong, guys?  I've taken pointers to functions before,
had arrays of the damned things, but obviously I've missed something.

Much thanks...
	(Tom Chmara EE @ University of Waterloo)

extern void tfrintr();

...!{allegra | decvax | clyde | ihnp4 }!watmath!wateng!tpchmara

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