makefile dependency-list creator

David J. Hawley djhawley at wateng.UUCP
Thu Oct 4 06:05:56 AEST 1984

I've modified the dependency-list creator to handle "include <lib1/lib2/..>"
more appropriately. The new version checks <inc> files against a list of
directories, hopefully compatible with the cc(1) list, to determine the
full pathnames, which are included in the output dependency files.

I used the original distribution packaging. I hope it works!
Be nice, this is my first submission.

David Hawley
U of Waterloo, the-town-of-the-same-name, Ontario Canada

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX cut here XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX cut here #####################
#! /bin/sh
export PATH || (echo "You didn't use (Bourne) sh, you bip!" ; kill $$)
echo "all files will be put in the directory \"$DEPENDENCY\", ok? (<rub> = no)\c"
read foople

1) Run dep_init to install the files in a certain directory, as:

	dep_init $HOME/bin
which expands "$HOME/bin" and substitutes it for '$DEPENDENCY' in each file;
	dep_init '$HOME/bin'
which substitutes '$HOME/bin' for '$DEPENDENCY' in each file.

2) Then run dep_mv as:

	dep_mv $HOME/bin
but not as:

	dep_mv '$HOME/bin'

These scripts take input as in the following example.
( In the examples that follow, <lib> is an optional argument corresponding
  to the "inclib" part of the cc(1) "-Iinclib" option.
  The name of the standard library "/usr/include" is hardcoded into the file

	Given the input as:

		grep include *.c | odeph <lib> >
		grep include *.c | hdepo <lib> >

	or a file, (dotc), containing:

		file1.c:#include <stdio.h>
		file1.c:#include <filea.h>
		file2.c:#include <stdio.h>
		file2.c:#include "fileb.h"
		file3.c:#include <stdio.h>
		file3.c:#include <filea.h>
		file4.c:#include <stdio.h>
		file4.c:#include <filea.h>
		file4.c:#include "fileb.h"
		file5.c:#include <stdio.h>
		file5.c:#include "fileb.h"

	redirected into the scripts, as:

		odeph <lib> <dotc >
		hdepo <lib> <dotc >

	The script 'odeph' produces a makefile dependence list, (,
	of the form:
		file1.o : stdio.h filea.h

		file2.o : stdio.h fileb.h

		file3.o : stdio.h filea.h

		file4.o : stdio.h filea.h fileb.h

		file5.o : stdio.h fileb.h

	The script 'hdepo' produces a makefile dependence list, (,
	of the form:
		file1.o file3.o file4.o : filea.h

		file2.o file4.o file5.o : fileb.h

		file1.o file2.o file3.o file4.o file5.o : stdio.h

Mike "The Guy in Suspenders" Roberson   UUCP: {ihnp4,akgua,houxm}!hou4b!miker
AT&T-Island, Holmdel, NJ                Ph: (201)834-3067 (8:15-5:15 Eastern)

Modified by
David J Hawley				UUCP: utzoo!watmath!wateng!djhawley
UofWaterloo, Waterloo, Ont, Canada
echo $DEPENDENCY/dep_init
cat >$DEPENDENCY/dep_init <<'!DONE!dep_init!BIP!'
#! /bin/sh
if [ $# != 1 ]; then
	echo "usage: $0 path_name | 'path_name'"
	echo "g|\$DEPENDENCY|s||$1|g" >dep.ed.script
	echo "w" >>dep.ed.script
	echo "q" >>dep.ed.script
for i in odeph hdepo dep.pass1
	ed $i <dep.ed.script
rm dep.ed.script
chmod +x $DEPENDENCY/dep_init
echo $DEPENDENCY/dep_mv
cat >$DEPENDENCY/dep_mv <<'!DONE!dep_mv!BIP!' 
#! /bin/sh
if [ $# != 1 ]; then
	echo "usage: $0 path_name"
set -x
for i in READ.ME dep_mv odeph hdepo dep.pass1 odeph.awk hdepo.awk dep.pass1.awk
	mv $i $1
rm dep_init
set -
chmod +x $DEPENDENCY/dep_mv
#! /bin/sh
# first parameter is the "lib" part of the -Ilib option used in "cc", or null
#	if not specified
# The next line specifies the standard library(s) to search
while read dotO type dotH
	case $type in
		for i in $Ilib $stdlib
		do	if test -f $i/$dotH
			then	ndotH=$i/$dotH
		echo "$dotO:$ndotH"
	"")	echo $dotO $type $dotH
		echo "$dotO:$dotH"
chmod u+x $DEPENDENCY/
echo $DEPENDENCY/odeph
cat >$DEPENDENCY/odeph <<'!DONE!odeph!BIP!'
#! /bin/sh
tr -s "	 " "  " |
awk -f $DEPENDENCY/dep.pass1.awk |
	sh $DEPENDENCY/ $1 |
	sort |
	awk -f $DEPENDENCY/odeph.awk
chmod u+x $DEPENDENCY/odeph
echo $DEPENDENCY/hdepo
cat >$DEPENDENCY/hdepo <<'!DONE!hdepo!BIP!'
#! /bin/sh
tr -s "	 " "  " |
	awk -f $DEPENDENCY/dep.pass1.awk |
	sh $DEPENDENCY/ $1 |
	sort -t: +1 |
	awk -f $DEPENDENCY/hdepo.awk
chmod u+x $DEPENDENCY/hdepo
echo $DEPENDENCY/dep.pass1
cat >$DEPENDENCY/dep.pass1 <<'!DONE!dep.pass1!BIP!'
#! /bin/sh
awk -f $DEPENDENCY/dep.pass1.awk
chmod u+x $DEPENDENCY/dep.pass1
echo $DEPENDENCY/odeph.awk
cat >$DEPENDENCY/odeph.awk <<'!DONE!odeph.awk!BIP!'
BEGIN { FS = ":" }
	$1 != prev { printf "\n\n%s:", $1 ; prev = $1 }
	$1 == prev { printf " %s", $2 }
END { printf "\n" }
echo $DEPENDENCY/hdepo.awk
cat >$DEPENDENCY/hdepo.awk <<'!DONE!hdepo.awk!BIP!'
BEGIN { FS = ":" }
	$2 == "" { next }
	$2 != prev {
		if (prev)
			printf ": %s\n\n", prev
		prev = $2
	$2 == prev { printf "%s ", $1 }
END { printf ": %s\n", prev }
echo $DEPENDENCY/dep.pass1
cat >$DEPENDENCY/dep.pass1.awk <<'!DONE!dep.pass1.awk!BIP!'
BEGIN { FS = ":" }
	$2 ~ /^#/ {
		i = index($2, "<") + 1
		if (i - 1) {
			e = index($2, ">")
			ss = substr($2, i, e - i)
			e = index($1, ".c") - 1
			one = substr($1, 1, e)
			printf "%s.o ? %s\n", one, ss
		} else {
			i = index($2, "\"") + 1
			if (i - 1) {
				ss = substr($2, i);
				e = index(ss, "\"")
				ss = substr(ss, 1, e - 1)
				e = index($1, ".c") - 1
				one = substr($1, 1, e)
				printf "%s.o X %s\n", one, ss
END { printf "\n" }
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