enums in C

BLARSON at ecld.#eclnet BLARSON at ecld.#eclnet
Sun Sep 16 15:03:39 AEST 1984

From:  Bob Larson <BLARSON at ecld.#eclnet>

Would someone please tell me how to use enums in C?  I have a C compiler
that is "Unix version 7 compatable with some extentions from both UCB
and later AT&T versions".  In the list of these extentions enums are
mentioned, but they are not documented.  A previous request of the same
nature as a postscipt to another message to this bboard only netted
another person wanting some documentation on them.  A program example
would probably be adiquate.

BOb Larson <Blarson at Usc-Ecl>

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