Wanted: ~ANSI C compiler for the PDP-11

Mark A. Swanson mas at teddy.UUCP
Sat Apr 20 01:32:23 AEST 1985

We need a good PDP-11 C compiler which implements at least certain parts
of the new ANSI X3J11 draft standard.  In particular, we are interested in
	abiity to do real arithmatic in "float"
	the standard library (or as much as fits on RSX-11M+ or PDP-11 UNIX)
	friendly behavior when globals are multiply declared (e.g. does not
		require One And Only One initialized declaration)
	volatile and const declarations
	function argument templates
	Support of unsigned char & unsigned long types

in roughly that order of importance. (Symbolic debugging, I&D space, support
and code quality also of great interest.  We expect to pay serious money.)
Interested in both RSX-11M(+) and UNIX compilers and/or cross compilers.

	If I hear anything I will summarize non-proprietary info to the net.

	(Incidentally, does anyone know when the expected flood of beta/final
versions of X3J11 compilers for 32 bit CPU's will hit the market?)

		Mark Swanson

		GenRad,  MS #6
		300 Baker Ave
		Concord, MA 01742

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