how has C bitten you?

Peter DaSilva peter at kitty.UUCP
Fri Aug 2 00:18:39 AEST 1985

> I am collecting examples of how C can bite the unwary user.
> Consider, for example, the following program fragment:
> 	int i, a[10];
> 	for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
> 		a[i] = 0;
> On many implementations, this will result in an infinite loop.

I assume you mean that auto's are allocated on the stack so &a[10]==&i.
I don't see an easy solution to this, except for built-in range checking.
I think "Safe/C" has this...

Anyone who uses "<=" in a for(;;) loop to initialise an array should be
strung up by their index(3) fingers and forced to listen to Sonny Bono
chanting "Zero Origin Arrays" until their ears fall off [:->].

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