More Naughty Bits

Jeff Glass jjg at security.UUCP
Mon Aug 19 03:30:55 AEST 1985

> (discussion about machines where 0.0 does not have same representation as 0)

The CDC Cyber series represents floating-point zero with the (12-bit)
exponent zero.  It doesn't matter whether the (48-bit) mantissa is zero
or not.  If you normalize such a number, though, I believe you get back
a mantissa of zero.

Integer zero is 60 bits of all zeros or all ones (1's-complement machine).

  security!jjg at mitre-bedford.ARPA				(MIL)
 {allegra,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!security!jjg	(UUCP)

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