help with sizeof() in HIPPO-C

Tim Smith tim at callan.UUCP
Tue Aug 27 10:22:46 AEST 1985

> Just discovered that there does not seem to be a sizeof() function
> in Hippo C level I or II.  This would sure be useful for passing

Level I was written in Pasadena, and when I was bored, I would go over
and hassle them about things I thought they were doing wrong.  I don't think
I would have missed a lack of sizeof.  Also, we once ran a set of C progrs
meant to test out pcc through Hippo level I, and there must have been
a sizeof in there somewhere!  ( no - I can't tell anyone where to get
the set of test programs. ).

Anyway, try all of the following, since I am not sure how they handle
builtin functions like sizeof -- they may have fucked up the parsing:

	sizeof x ;		/* where x is a variable */
	sizeof(x) ;
	sizeof( x ) ;
	sizeof (x) ;
	sizeof ( x ) ;
	sizeof(int) ;
	sizeof( int ) ;
	sizeof (int) ;
	sizeof ( int ) ;

If none of these work, give them a call.
					Tim Smith

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