Ihnat ignatz at aicchi.UUCP
Thu Aug 1 11:53:18 AEST 1985

I won't mention what program this comes from; it's been posted to the
net, and (functionally) is quite interesting and enjoyable.  BUT--it
mysteriously broke the 'C' compiler on an Altos 586 running Xenix 3.0b,
and when I looked at it---well, you take a look.  DON'T *EVER* DO THIS!!
        while (--count &&

               (!(rand_mod(prob)) ||

                (obj = occupant[y=(curkl->posy+curkl->vely+YSIZE00)%YSIZE]

                               [x=(curkl->posx+curkl->velx+XSIZE00)%XSIZE]) &&

                (obj->type == Star ||

                 ((rand_mod(100) <= smarts) &&

                  !obj->vely && !obj->velx &&

                  (obj->image == 'o' ||

                   obj->image == 'O' ||

                   obj->image == 'X'


                 ) ||

                 (obj->type == Web &&

                  (curkl->image != 'T' ||

                   (count > 5 && obj->image ==



















              ) {

            if (massacre && curkl->image != 'T') {

                curkl->vely = rand_mod(7) - 3;

                curkl->velx = rand_mod(7) - 3;


            else if (curkl->energy >= 2500 && curkl->image != 'T') {

                curkl->vely = rand_mod(5) - 2;

                curkl->velx = rand_mod(5) - 2;


            else {

                curkl->vely = rand_mod(3) - 1;

                curkl->velx = rand_mod(3) - 1;



================================> *WHEW!* <==============================

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