structure references in header files
der Mouse
mouse at mcgill-vision.UUCP
Fri Dec 13 16:15:32 AEST 1985
> I have a problem with a header file that contains typedefs similar
> to those below in that both contain a reference to the other.
> [example, similar to:]
> typedef struct a { struct b *b; } A;
> typedef struct b { struct a *a; } B;
Well, what I would do is
struct a {
struct b {
struct a *a; } *b; };
typedef struct a A;
typedef struct b B;
I don't believe you can make it recognize forward references in
general. You certainly can't do it for direct elements, because the
compiler doesn't know the size of the member, and you can't do it for
pointers because architectures might (do?) exist out there for which not
all pointers are the same size (yes, I too think anyone who designs such
a machine as "general purpose" should be forced to write the C compiler
for it themselves; it might teach them something). So you certainly
can't forward reference the typedefs. On some machines you might be
able to forward reference the structure, provided you use a pointer to
it (does X3J11 have anything to say about this?). Someone mentioned
that a kludge had been put in so you could get around this with
struct b;
struct a { struct b *b; };
struct b { struct a *a; };
Speaking of structures containing self-referential pointers, I once
wrote some code which used the following structures:
struct _coord {
struct _coord *flink;
struct _coord *blink;
int val;
int index;
struct _boxlist {
struct _boxlist *link;
struct _box {
struct _box *flink;
struct _box *blink;
int number;
struct _coord *lx;
struct _coord *ux;
struct _coord *ly;
struct _coord *uy; } *box; } *boxes; };
Three structures, a total of 14 structure elements, and only three
elements which aren't just a pointer to another structure.
(Okay, okay, I'll put it in net.jokes.c next time, I promise...)
der Mouse
USA: {ihnp4,decvax,akgua,etc}!utcsri!mcgill-vision!mouse
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