lint, pointers, 0 (what else?)

Brian Jones qwerty at drutx.UUCP
Wed Feb 13 01:08:41 AEST 1985

I couldn't help but throw in my $.25 worth - K&R, 14.4:

"A pointer may be converted to any of the integral types LARGE ENOUGH TO HOLD
IT.  Whether an int or a long is required is MACHINE DEPENDENT." (Emphasis is

I am working with a C compiler and an 8086 based system.  I have also found
problems porting programs that are written with non-portable assumptions.

I have begun to wish for data types such as int8, int16, int32, etc. so that
programmers could say what they really mean, instead of leaving it as an
"exercise for the student".

						Brian Jones
						AT&T - Tech

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