
Richard H. E. Smith II rhesmith at wlcrjs.UUCP
Tue Feb 12 20:09:13 AEST 1985

>> unfortunately many msgs arrive out of sequence, and i read the rebuttal
>> before the statement.
>It's even worse.  Think of USENET as a datagram service.  Not only do
>messages arrive out of sequence; sometimes they don't arrive at all.

Both missing messages & out-of-order happen all the time here, too.  I
vote for well-edited quotes.

>(I'd move this to "net.news", except that the original posting came from
>INFO-C, and I don't think "net.news" gets gatewayed to the ARPANET.)
>	Guy Harris

They probably have smoother mail service over there on the "high-priced"
net.  Let them TRY to post to net.news! (;-))

Dick Smith						..ihnp4!wlcrjs!rhesmith

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