runtime 'sizeof()'?

Robert Viduya robert at gitpyr.UUCP
Sun Jan 20 13:36:04 AEST 1985


Judging from mail I've recieved about the subject, I think I was a bit
unclear about the problem.  This should clear things up.

The problem is that the sizeof operator produces different answers
when used in two different source files.  I can declare the following
in one source file:


	struct s a[] = { 
		{ "....",0,0,0 },
		{ ",,,,",1,1,1 },


	b = sizeof (a);

and have b be set to some number representing the size of a in bytes, but
I cannot refer to the same structure from another source file:


	extern struct a[];


	b = sizeof (a);		/* set to zero or a compiler error msg */

The array is defined and initialized to contain data.  Therefore, the
sizeof operator should work *regardless* of what source file it is used in.

Robert Viduya
    Office of Computing Services
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332
    Phone:  (404) 894-4669


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