putting C programs in the background

Morris M. Keesan keesan at bbncca.ARPA
Sat Jan 19 02:20:26 AEST 1985

>To put a C program in the background (not from the shell)
>try the following:
>	 if (fork() != 0) exit(0);
>Simple yes.  Obvious, well maybe.  And don't forget to
>setup those signal handlers and file descriptor just right.
>			 Larry Cipriani
>			 cbscc!cbsch!lvc

Almost.  Actually, a little too simple.

	pid = fork();
	if( pid < 0 )
	    /* Print error message */
	else if( pid > 0 )
	    /* parent */
	/* else pid == 0, this is the child.  Continue */

The correct thing to do about signals, to match what the shell does when it
puts something in background, is to ignore SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
			    Morris M. Keesan
			    keesan @ BBN-UNIX.ARPA

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