integer types, sys calls, and stdio

Norman Diamond ndiamond at watdaisy.UUCP
Thu Jan 31 04:15:32 AEST 1985

> -----------  new (?) idea begins here  --------------------
> OK, here's my suggestion, which may not help John (Hi John!)
> port existing code, but might help in the future.
> Why not figure out how many bits each variable *needs*, and then
> declare them accordingly:
> int8	foo;
> int16	bar;
> int12	baz;
> int9	buff[BUFFSIZ];
> int18	blat;
>             the Bavarian Beagle    Snoopy    tektronix!mako!seifert

That's as new as PL/I is, anyway.  One of the things Pascal did right
was define subranges using lower and upper actual bounds, instead of
number of bits ... or in other words, the bounds didn't have to be
(some power of 2, minus 1).

-- Norman Diamond

UUCP:  {decvax|utzoo|ihnp4|allegra|clyde}!watmath!watdaisy!ndiamond
CSNET: ndiamond%watdaisy at waterloo.csnet
ARPA:  ndiamond%watdaisy%waterloo.csnet at

"Opinions are those of the keyboard, and do not reflect on me or higher-ups."

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