Use of expression values in C
Eugene D. Brooks III
brooks at lll-crg.ARPA
Mon Jul 8 05:02:40 AEST 1985
> It is entirely possible to understand the semantics of the code fully and
> still consider it unnecessarily obscure and hard to read. The mark of a
> good programmer is that his code is *easy* to read, not just *possible* to
> read. Using every obfuscatory feature of the language, perhaps in the
> (oft-mistaken) belief that it improves efficiency, and then pleading that
> "any experienced programmer should be able to understand that" is the mark
> of someone who doesn't understand what this business is about.
Not being a professinal progammer or even a computer scientist, perhaps my
opinion that
if((fptr = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s for reading\n", filename);
if perfectly clear to anyone who understands the C language and is not
obfuscatory is misinformed. You can be assured that I will continue to
use it and I will not hire any "professional programmers" who consider
it bad programming practice. They may have a case with the employment
office however, refusual to hire on the basis of their religion! Any
C programmers who can't easily understand the above example simply aren't
good enough to be working for me. When they aren't hired, or are fired,
they will have no recourse.
I do agree with the point that using subtle features of the C language
which make even the most experienced C programmer stop and think for a while
about what is being said is a bad programming practice. An example of such
stuff would be
if(a = b++ * --c)
and I do remember a lot ot even more undesirable examples. I therefore
agree with the point made above about writing super terse programs.
The fopen case above simply isn't one of them.
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