C programming style
Ken Arnold%CGL
arnold at ucsfcgl.UUCP
Sun Jul 21 06:33:56 AEST 1985
In article <74 at avsdS.UUCP> tooch at avsdS.UUCP (Michael J. Tuciarone) writes:
>C may never approach Pascal for sheer readability, but the trade-
>off made in favor of brevity and richness of expression seems
>well worth the small extra effort invested in learning to speak
>the language well.
Mike makes several excellent points in this article (including an
appeal to professional courtesy from all of us professed
professionals), but I think he is being a bit oversimple here.
Readability is not a boolean value, but a vague factor with many
variables. Some of these are language dependent (I always find APL
nearly impossible to read, for example; others may not, so maybe this
is "programmer+language dependent"). Others are programmer dependent.
C is very readable. To me, it is more readable than PASCAL, because
its bandwidth of communication is higher, i.e., it uses nearly the full
ASCII set of characters instead of words. I find it easier to scan C
code than PASCAL code because "and", "begin", "end", etc., have to be
read to distinguish them from variables, whereas &&, {, }, etc. are
easy to tell from variables. The "richness of expression" of C
contributes to its readability WHEN you know the language. When you
don't, it hurts.
This doesn't bother me. The fact that I don't understand how my car
engine works never stopped me from driving it. It would be nice if I
did understand all the techonology I use so that I can fix it when it
doesn't work, but I don't. So I don't understand why people expect
programs to be understandable to everyone. They tried that with COBOL,
and what they ended up with was a still unreadable language that nobody
wanted to program in (not that it stopped the bosses from wanting them
Ken Arnold
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