C Programming style - writing code

James A. Mullens jcm at ornl-msr.ARPA
Tue Jul 30 02:40:29 AEST 1985

How do people write code now-a-days??
I haven't used paper much since I've gotten some full-screen editors.  This has
made me a top-down code designer since I tend to use skeleton functions as
I write and fill them in later.  Something I haven't seen other people mention -
Since using c (somewhat) and pascal (a lot), I find I spend much more time
designing the data structures (pointers, data types, arrays, files, etc) than
designing the actual code.  Or rather, I think in terms of the data and when
I'm finished designing it, writing the code "around it" is straightforward
(even boring and trivial at times).  Years ago, when I only programmed in FORTRN,
the importance and usefulness of data structures would not have occurred to me.
Now I debate arrays vs linked lists vs trees.  Say! This is boring and trivial
at times also (:-)!! - Jim Mullens

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