more questions about efficient C code

Jerry Aguirre jerry at oliveb.UUCP
Wed Jul 17 10:31:12 AEST 1985

> But really, if you must keep up the high priesthood of programming, then
> go ahead
> and use your idioms.  I personally think that programming is a tool for
> all and not a science for a few.  Idioms which are believed to be more

Right :-)
And electrictions should no longer use all those technical words like amps
and guage.  They should just talk about big wires and little wires :-)

Electronic schematics should get rid of all those hard to understand
symbols and draw pictures of what each component really looks like :-)

Doctors should use simple terminology like "tummy ache" when writting on
the patients chart :-)

An physisists should just competely stop talking about all those
teeny-tiny things that can't be seen and therefore don't exist :-)

All those priests should stop talking in their secret languages and talk
plain english so that the general public can understand them :-)

				Jerry Aguirre @ Olivetti ATC

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