Portablity using structures and malloc - Help

Vaughn Vernon vlv at drux1.UUCP
Thu Jul 18 07:18:06 AEST 1985

No first time guessers please!  I need help.

I've really been wondering about the way in which the UNIX 'C' compiler
handles structures and memory allocation across processors.

I recently ported a large program from a VAX to a 3B2 and had some
real problems with it.  I would like to propose an example and some
questions about the simple concept that was used.  I will also give
my (probably wrong) proposed answer.

struct	line	{
	char	n[81];
	double	abc;	/* no alignment by me! */
	int	x,	/* here either */
	char	*xyz;
} *lines[MAXLINES];
	if((lines[i] = (struct line *)malloc(sizeof(struct line)))\
		==(struct line *)NULL)
	if((lines[i]->xyz = malloc(sizeof(lines[i]->xyz)))==(char *)NULL)

Look closely.  I'm allocating memory for the structure and getting a
pointer back.  The pointer returned on a 3B or 68K may or may not be
on a word boundary.  Right?  In either case, what will this do
to the xyz character pointer and the int's?  Malloc() does not know it's
dealing with a structure pointer so will xyz be aligned?  What about the
address being returned to the xyz pointer?  I would think that as long as
xyz is on a word boundary then the pointer returned to the character array
would not have to be aligned since they are only characters.  Right?

The 'C' programmers (K&R) manual says (speaking of bit fields):

" ... an unnamed field with a width of 0 specifies alignment of the
next field at word boundary.  The "next field" presumably is a field,
not an ordinary structure member, (***) because in the latter case
the alignment would have been automatic (***)."

I would not think that this would apply to malloc's since a character
pointer can point to a an odd address and not matter since characters
are contiguous.  Does malloc() know the object that it's working on?

Do I need to know what processor I'm on and how much extra memory
I need to allocate so I can sloppily adjust the struct pointer forward to
the even address I need?  How do I get xyz into an even word address?
Can someone please tell me a set of rules to follow for each processor
(ie. 3B && 68K etc.) ?!

I would hate to think that I would have to take the (*) out from
in front of the lines array and let the compiler handle it!  There's
a whole lot of memory that I would not be used at any one time.

Proposed partial answer: use unions to get alignment.

union aln_int { char	c; int		x; };
union aln_ptr { char	c; char		*xyz; };
union aln_dbl { char	c; double	d; };

struct	line	{
	char	n[81];
union	aln_dbl abc;
union	aln_int	x,
union	aln_ptr xyz;
} *lines[MAXLINES];

Does this help at all?  Or is malloc still going to give me a problem?

				Thanks in advance,

				Vaughn Vernon
				AT&T ISL
				Denver, CO

I will post answers to the net.
Unix is AT&T's Trademark
VAX is Digital's Trademark

All that disclaimer stuff.  Besides, my intelligence is artificial!

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