String help!

Jeff Lichtman jeff at rtech.ARPA
Fri Mar 1 17:35:25 AEST 1985

> David Herron is right, except for the fact that you are allowed to
> change the contents of the string as long as you don't change the 
> length of it!
> So you are allowed to say:
> main()
> {
> 	char *ptr;
> 	char *foo();
> 	ptr = foo();
> 	strcpy( ptr, "barfoo" );
> 	.....
> }
> -- 
> 			Michiel Huisjes.
> 			{seismo|decvax|philabs}!mcvax!vu44!ark!huisjes

In DEC C, string constants are read-only.  They are in a special, write-
protected psect.  If you try to do something like the above, you will
get a run-time error.
Jeff Lichtman at rtech (Relational Technology, Inc.)
aka Swazoo Koolak

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