Sprintf to disappear

David Herron, NPR Lover david at ukma.UUCP
Thu Mar 7 15:24:28 AEST 1985

> In Bell Labs' next release of the C language, the function 'sprintf' will
> be replaced by 'attf'.  The old name will still work, but only if you prefix
> the string argument with a fourteen-digit code.  :-)

So, this is what Gary Perlman has been doing lately?????    :-) :-)
:- David Herron							  -:
:-								  -:
:- ARPA-> "ukma!david"@ANL-MCS or david%ukma.uucp at anl-mcs.arpa    -:
:- ARPA-> Or even anlams!ukma!david at ucbvax.arpa			  -:
:-								  -:
:- UUCP-> {ucbvax,unmvax,boulder,research}!anlams!ukma!david	  -:
:- UUCP-> {mcvax!qtlon,vax135,mddc}!qusavx!ukma!david		  -:
:- UUCP-> {A-Large-Portion-of-The-World}!cbosgd!ukma!david	  -:

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