
Larry Mcvoy mcvoy at uwvax.UUCP
Thu Mar 7 07:49:01 AEST 1985

I have come up with a problem that I'm hoping someone else has solved:

I'm writing a graphics program that includes an interpreted language. 
I'd like include the ability to add any Unix subroutine without having to 
modify the source.  In implementing this I came to a point where I had to build
a C stack and call the routine, rather than calling directly and letting the
compiler build the stack.  I've come up with a lot of kluges, mostly machine 
specific, and I rejected all of them.  

Has anyone out there come up against a similar problem and solved it in general?
Or do you have a really ``nice'' kludge?

Thanks in advance,

Larry McVoy		uucp:	...uwvax\!geowhiz\!lm
			arpa:	mcvoy at

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