Etymology (originally Re: C Bit

kenny at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU kenny at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
Mon Nov 4 03:28:00 AEST 1985

 	Andrew Macpherson.	<andrew at stc.UUCP> writes:
> Gentlemen, it's really very simple, the use of `x' in English derives
> directly from the etymology of the word:
> connexion derives from latin: con- and nectere, nexum to tie.
> Since this x in the gerund is rather rare, English has very few such
> words spelt with an x, whereas American tends to use x's frequently
> since it reduces the amount one has to write :-)
> ( hence `sox' == half-hosen, socks)

Then how come we don't have conduxion?  Dux, ducere is another case where
the 'x' turns up in the gerund.

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