lint bug?

JP Massar massar at think.ARPA
Thu Nov 21 14:25:10 AEST 1985

Is this a problem with me, with my lint, with all lints, or what?
This was run on a 4.2 BSD VAX/785.
Reply via mail.  I will summarize.  Thanks.


typedef enum {A,B,C} Foo;

pfoo (ptr_foo) Foo *ptr_foo;

main ()
  Foo foo = A;


lint test.c

pfoo, arg. 1 used inconsistently	test.c(4)  ::  test.c(11)

-- JP Massar, Thinking Machines Corporation, Cambridge, MA
-- ihnp4!godot!massar, massar at 
-- 617-876-1111

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