break, continue, return, goto (
hdc at trsvax
hdc at trsvax
Wed Nov 13 02:27:00 AEST 1985
/* Written 5:13 pm Nov 6, 1985 by 3comvax.U!mikes in trsvax:net.lang.c */
/* ---------- "Re: break, continue, return, goto (" ---------- */
[In Nomine Patri, et Fili, et Spiritu Santu. Amen.]
Michael Shannon {ihnp4,hplabs}!oliveb!3comvax!mikes
/* End of text from trsvax:net.lang.c */
Unless my Latin has become rusty (and I don't think it has) that's
[In Nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiritu Sancto. Amen.]
The second declension "filius" drops the "us" and adds "i" to form
the genitive.
Likewise "sanctus" follows second declension rules and since its root
is "sanct", not "sant", the genitive becomes sancti. ("Spriritus"
was correct since it's fourth declension, not second).
Now aren't you edified?
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