Please help me ward off C modifing Macros!

Mike Durbin emike at riccb.UUCP
Tue Nov 12 00:55:17 AEST 1985

*** x ***

There is a small group here  that  is  proposing  using  a  macro
package to modify the appearance of C code.  An example is:

        #define If(x)           if(x)
        #define Then            {
        #define Else            }else{
        #define End_if          }

        #define Case_of(x)      switch(x){
        #define Case_break()    break; case
        #define Else_case       break; default
        #define End_case        }

        #define Character       char
        #define Integer         int
        #define Pointer         *

The objective is to  make  the  code  simular  in  appearance  to
Modula-2  or Ada.  I like Ada, but am very against this, yet I am
not  very  good  at  generating  good  arguments.   I  know  this
discussion  was  on  the  net  just a short time ago, but I never
suspected that I would be in a possition of trying to  ward  this
off.   If someone could mail me good arguments (both pro and con,
I know I'm not  necessaraly right),  or  summarize  the  previous
discussion, I would be greatful.

n									      x
i	E. Mike Durbin			...!ihnp4!			      u
x	ROCKWELL TELECOMMUNICATIONS	...!ihopa!riccb!emike		      n
u	Downers Grove IL		...!cuuxb!			      i
n	(312) 960-8658							      x
i									      u

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