Anybody seen CTRACE ?

Mike Shannon mikes at 3comvax.UUCP
Wed Sep 4 11:02:06 AEST 1985

Has anyone lately seen CTRACE?
	I read about it in the April 1984 "Software -Practice & Experience".

	It's a debugging tool, actually a pre-processor for C.
	The idea is that it adds gobs and gobs of printf's to your
code to print a message every time a variable changes value or
a procedure is called. (it has facilities to suppress output while
inside of loops and can be turned off & on).
	This way, you can filter the output however you like and
what you get is completely machine-independent debugging.

	According to Joseph Steffen, the author of the article:
	"	The responses to a survey of Ctrace usage within Bell Labs
	 showed that people who had first used sdb still use it occasionally.
	 However, people who used Ctrace first have never used sdb."

	 I'd sure like to get my hands on this baby.  Does anyone know
where it lives?  Do you maybe use this tool?  How do you like it?  How
can I get it?

	If there's enough interest, I'll gladly summarize to the net.
			Michael Shannon {ihnp4,hplabs}!oliveb!3comvax!mikes

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