The same PID? (nameless files?)

Gary M. Samuelson garys at bunker.UUCP
Wed Sep 11 01:06:32 AEST 1985

> Someone mentioned a security problem, using a scenario like this:
> 	cracker observes root preparing to edit /etc/passwd
> 	cracker creates a bunch of files in /tmp with the same name
> and so on as the editor, pids increasing fron current pid to some large
> number.
> 	editor creates temp files & cracker has read/write access to same.

How will said cracker have read/write access to the file the editor
created?  The fact that there used to be a different file of the same
name is irrelevant, isn't it?

> This is about the only situation I can see where mktemp does anything
> worthwhile that sprintf("/tmp/foo%dx%d", getpid(), i++) doesn't. Of course
> in a case like this vipw should really create a nameless file.

A nameless file?  What is that?  How does one create/open/unlink it?

> 	Peter (Made in Australia) da Silva

Gary Samuelson

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