C graphics libraries

Matt Verner matt at inuxg.UUCP
Mon Dec 22 12:43:49 AEST 1986

I am looking for a set of C libraries that have a FULL assortment of graphics
capabilities AND source code.  Specifically I need source for geometrics
including conic sections (ellipsiods, parabolics, etc) that are rendered
quickly i.e. using ints.  Everything I have been able to find are suited only
to displaying your standard business graphics: circles and rectangles only.
I am looking for something a tad more ambitious!

Anyone who has heard of or owned such a package would earn my undying gratitude
and heaps of thanks by sending or posting info on the package(s).

 Matt Verner   				UUCP:  ...ihnp4!inuxc!matt
 AT&T Graphics Software Laboratory	AT&T:  (317) 352-6149
 Indianapolis,  IN

           "The whole point of this sentence is to clearly
             explain the point this sentence is making."

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