Negative zero on Cyber 170's.

kjm at ut-ngp.UUCP kjm at ut-ngp.UUCP
Sat Dec 20 00:11:53 AEST 1986

>    Try evaluating (unsigned) -1 on a one's complement machine!  A word
>containing all ones in such a machine (e.g. CDC Cyber machines) is 
>taken to be "negative zero", which is really an illegal representation.
>[Ben Mejia]

Nonsense.  Negative zero is a perfectly good number on Cybers, and,
I suspect, on any other 1's complement machine.  It is not an illegal
operand, although it can behave in subtly different ways than positive

The above viewpoints are mine.  They are unrelated to
those of anyone else, including my cat and my employer.

Kenneth J. Montgomery  "Shredder-of-hapless-smurfs"
kjm at ngp.{ARPA, UTEXAS.EDU, CC.UTEXAS.EDU}  [Old, New, and Very New Internet]
Coming soon: ccaj001 at dinosaur.CC.UTEXAS.EDU  [Dual Cyber 170]

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