ANSI C -- miscellaneous suggestions

Barry Shein bzs at bu-cs.BU.EDU
Thu Dec 18 10:05:23 AEST 1986

>Regarding the requirement that exit(0) be success -- this will break a lot
>of VMS C programs, which use 1 for success and 0 for "undefined error"
>(I think -- I'm not a big VMS fan...)
>	Wayne

There's no reason that the run-time support for VMS/C can't return 1
to the O/S if the program exits 0. Unfortunately, there's really no
other resolution. Unix and IBM systems both treat zero exits as
success, lord knows why VMS decided to be different, but the problem
is not a problem, the O/S can be handed whatever's correct.

		-Barry Shein, Boston University

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