Fortran - C Interface

Vallury Prabhakar vallury at dartvax.UUCP
Sun Dec 21 10:41:03 AEST 1986

	I was playing around with this little C interface to Fortran Routines
(specifically the Plot10-GKS bunch) so that I could access all these plotting
routines from a C source code, with not too many address-containing calls to
be made from the latter.  The general scheme is as follows:

Source Code:	calls required interface routines passing normal variables
		as arguments.

Interface Code:	takes the above arguments and passes their addresses to the
		corresponding GKS routines.

	This works fine as long as there are no values to be returned from
the GKS routines to the user written source code.  But in the case of a routine
like say GRQLC (Requests the Locator), about 3 or 4 values of different types
(ints and floats) are to be returned.  And this is something I've been having
some trouble with.  Most of the routines are pretty trivial because they simply
don't return any variables, but the few that do, well...they STINK !!!	

	Could anyone out there who's done this sort of this before, please
help me with some suggestions ?  I appreciate it.  Thanks.

					Vallury Prabhakar

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