YACC grammer for c

Robert Lenoil lenoil at apple.UUCP
Thu Dec 4 08:56:37 AEST 1986

In article <1338 at nicmad.UUCP> karsh at nicmad.UUCP (Bruce Karsh) writes:
>  By the way, does anybody know if there are any known bugs in the K&R
>C grammer?  What's a good reference for information on the precise
>syntax of the C language?
>   Does anybody out there have a yacc grammer for the C language?  How
>about for the ANSI C language?  Could you send me a copy?

Harbison and Steele's book (the exact name I'm not sure of now; I've lent
mine to a friend, but it's something like "C: A Reference Manual") contains
an appendix with a full LR(1) grammar for C.  I've never tried YACCing it,
so I don't know if it works.

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