Pointers to Functions

davidsen at steinmetz.UUCP davidsen at steinmetz.UUCP
Tue Jan 14 02:31:46 AEST 1986

As far as I can see, your example as posted was correct. I tried it on a
4.2BSD and SysIII systems, and both thought it was fine. Microsoft C loved it!
It's valid by both K&R and X3J11 (proposed). Either your compiler is being
silly, or perhaps you have a glitch in the source code. Assuming that you
can't compile the fragment as posted, I would complain.

---------------- < disclamer > ----------------
I don't usually bother, but this is a special case. The opinion expressed is
my personal opinion, and is not an official statement of my alter-ego, the
former GE representative to X3J11. It may not be the official position of my
company and/or its affiliates.
	-bill davidsen

       /                               \
ihnp4!              unirot ------------->---> crdos1!davidsen
       \                               /
        chinet! ---------------------/        (davidsen at ge-crd.ARPA)

"It seemed like a good idea at the time..."

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