Precedent for use of =

Jim Cathey jimc at iscuva.UUCP
Thu Jul 3 11:43:43 AEST 1986

Why did Algol use := in the first place?  Why not some other symbol?
Was it just because it was easy to type on the keypunch?  (I think it
was a quick roll off the F to the V key with the shift down or
somesuch).  This makes no sense to me as I recall that Algol was
invented in much the same way as APL was -- as a language for humans to
express computer operations.  It was only implemented later.  Who knows
(who cares?).

If it was because of the keypunch, I wish that its demise would have
followed the Model 60.  := is a beach to type on every ASCII 'board
I've ever used.  Some other easy combo should have been chosen...  ;-)


! II      CCCCCC !  Jim Cathey
! II  SSSSCC     !  ISC Systems Corp.
! II      CC     !  Spokane, WA
! IISSSS  CC     !  UUCP: ihnp4!tektronix!reed!iscuva!jimc
! II      CCCCCC !  (509)927-5757
			"With excitement like this, who is needing enemas?"

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