Wanted: information on compilability of "switch (long)"

Arthur David Olson ado at elsie.UUCP
Sat Jul 26 07:35:24 AEST 1986

Someone wrote me today about an

	illegal operand of "switch()"

message that was produced when compiling code of mine of this ilk:

	long	l;
		switch (l) {

I'd like to know how other compilers (and lints) react to switches on longs.
I already know what K&R, H&S, and the tentative conditional draft proposed
ANSI C standard have to say; I'm interested in learning what happens
in the real world.  The information will tell me whether it's wise to have
"lint" check for such code when lint is used in its "portability mode."  If you
have the information I'm after, please mail me a response.  Thanks.
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